Sunfire Systems Apps

RPG Sidekick Free 1.0.11
Free version of RPG Sidekick to help playersof Pen&Paper or tabletop style RPGs keep track of all thosevarious dice rolls and stats, with support for multiple profiles.Great for games like D&D, GURPS, Rifts, or any D20 games.Includes:- Customized dice rolls- Customized stat trackers- Log viewer- Multiple profiles- **New** Advanced rolling with custom keyboard- Preferences to control log levels and other settingsIf you enjoy the application and want to help support futuredevelopment, you can donate by purchasing the Ad-Free version andlook for the Pro version coming soon. We do our best to meet anyupdate requests, so if there's something you'd like to see added,send an email and let us know.New in version 1.0.9- Swipe to switch tabs- Ability to reorder lists (long-click on roll or stat lists toenable reordering)- Ability to clear roll history- **New** Advanced rolling: completely free-form calculations- Custom keyboard- Stats now allow negative values- Ability to use dice rolls to modify stats- Help page- Several UI enhancements
RPG Sidekick (Ad Free) 1.0.11
Sunfire Systems
Ad-Free version of RPG Sidekick to helpplayersof Pen&Paper or tabletop style RPGs keep track of allthosevarious dice rolls and stats, with support for multipleprofiles.Great for games like D&D, GURPS, Rifts, or any D20games.Includes:- Customized dice rolls- Customized stat trackers- Log viewer- Multiple profiles- **New** Advanced rolling with custom keyboard- Preferences to control log levels and other settingsIf you enjoy the application and want to help supportfuturedevelopment, you can donate by purchasing the Ad-Free versionandlook for the Pro version coming soon. We do our best to meetanyupdate requests, so if there's something you'd like to seeadded,send an email and let us know.New in version 1.0.9- Swipe to switch tabs- Ability to reorder lists (long-click on roll or stat liststoenable reordering)- Ability to clear roll history- **New** Advanced rolling: completely free-form calculations- Custom keyboard- Stats now allow negative values- Ability to use dice rolls to modify stats- Help page- Several UI enhancements